Ava Martinez 2023-06-15 11:55:00

A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Prison in V Rising

V Rising is an immersive MMORPG game that offers players a thrilling gaming experience complete with captivating combat and extensive customization options. One exciting aspect of the game is the ability to build your own castle to house your bloodthirsty vampire. In this guide, we will dive deep into the intricacies of constructing a prison within your castle, detailing the vital steps to success in this rewarding endeavor. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you will be well-prepared to create an impressive prison system befitting a vampire of your stature. 

Unlocking the Prison Cell Recipe

Unlocking the Prison Cell Recipe

Before you can build a prison in V Rising, you must first progress through the game and defeat several bosses to accrue the necessary V Blood. This vital ingredient is required to unlock the Prison Cell recipe and subsequently build a prison within your castle. In particular, you must face the chilling Vincent the Frostbiter in the Dunley Farmlands:

  • Interact with the Blood Altar to track Vincent the Frostbiter.
  • Defeat Vincent the Frostbiter to obtain his V Blood.
  • Acquire the Prison Cell recipe from the spoils of victory.

With the Prison Cell recipe now at your disposal, you are one step closer to creating a prison system that maintains a steady supply of blood to satiate your vampiric needs. 

Preparing and Constructing Your Prison System

Preparing and Constructing Your Prison System

To build a functioning prison in V Rising, you must construct a series of Prison Cells within a dedicated, closed room in your castle. Each individual Prison Cell will require 12 ingots, which can be crafted by processing Iron Ore in a Furnace. Follow these instructions to build your prison efficiently:

  • Access the Build Menu by pressing 'B' on your keyboard.
  • Navigate to the Production tab and select the Dominance category.
  • Place the Prison Cell within the designated room in your castle.

By constructing multiple Prison Cells, you create a comprehensive prison system that efficiently houses your blood supply. 

Refine Your Prison's Design and Effectiveness

Refine Your Prison's Design and Effectiveness

An advanced prison system offers increased efficiency in blood extraction and prisoner management, ensuring your vampire is always well-fed. You can achieve this by upgrading your prison with Prison Flooring and Walls. To unlock Prison Flooring, you must first gain access to the Athenaeum from the technology research station. This is achieved by defeating Raziel the Shepherd in the Dunley Monastery. You may also obtain the Prison Flooring recipe by slaying enemies carrying the coveted Prison Flooring book. Implementing Prison Flooring in your prison cells has the following benefits:

  • Reduced damage is taken by prisoners during blood extraction.
  • Improved prisoner management and overall prison efficiency.

While Prison Walls offer an aesthetic upgrade to your prison system, they have no functional impact on Prison Cells. 

Fill Your Prison and Sustain Your Blood Supply

Fill Your Prison and Sustain Your Blood Supply

Now that your prison is complete, you can charm enemies and bring them back to your castle to serve as prisoners. These captured humans provide a steady supply of blood to sustain your vampire. Follow these steps to imprison and manage your captives:

  • Capture enemies by charming them and leading them back to your castle.
  • Interact with your prison and select the 'Imprison' option to lock captured enemies in their cells.
  • Extract blood from your prisoners as needed, being mindful of their health.

Remember to maintain your imprisoned humans by feeding them regularly. After all, a healthy and well-fed prisoner ensures an ample blood supply for your vampiric endeavors. In conclusion, by following this comprehensive guide, you will have all the necessary knowledge and expertise to create a fully-functional prison system within your V Rising castle. With your newfound skills, you are now poised to dominate the world of V Rising and satiate your vampire's insatiable bloodlust. Good luck, and happy hunting!